Mange præsenterer i dag Rosa Luxemburg som en ‘blød’ revolutionær, der mente, at socialisme kunne virkeliggøres gennem parlamentariske reformer, der respekterer det borgerlige demokratis universelle politiske rettigheder. Denne artikel argumenterer for at hun tværtimod var en revolutionær socialist, der kæmpede for et socialistisk klassedemokrati, hvor borgerrettigheder kun gjaldt arbejderklassen. Samtidig anså hun socialistisk demokrati for at være nødvendigt for menneskehedens overlevelse, da et fortsat kapitalistisk klassestyre ville føre til ødelæggelse af menneskeheden i krigens barbari.
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Clarte 10Abstract:
Many people today think of Rosa Luxemburg as a ‘soft’ revolutionary who believed that socialism could be realised through parliamentary reforms, respecting the universal political rights of bourgeois democracy. On the contrary, she was a revolutionary socialist who fought for a socialist class democracy with civil rights applying to the working class only. At the same time, she considered socialist democracy to be necessary for the survival of humanity, as continued capitalist class rule would lead to the destruction of humanity in the barbarism of war.
The article shows this through quotes from Rosa Luxemburg’s works.
In conclusion, the author remarks on the relevance of Rosa Luxemburg’s views today.